Judge Chris Lahmers of Marysville, Ohio, and his associate, Mike Maier of Stitzer, Wis., evaluated 262 animals in the International Milking Shorthorn Show this year, and Gin-Val Logic Lauretta-EXP was...
The colored shavings of World Dairy Expo are pink this year, and youth showmanship contestants were the first ones to parade their animals across them when they competed on Saturday
Why do you feed supplemental fat to your herd? Perhaps you’re aiming to propel your milkfat higher to capture more revenue in your milk check, or you recognize the impact bypass fat can have on feed...
The “of course” trend that has dominated TikTok and Instagram is proving to have power and has opened the door for the checkoff to put dairy into the conversation
Farming can be one of the most mentally exhausting careers. Let’s face it, the markets and weather are unpredictable, and we place our hopes and dreams on prayer and hard work
For more than three decades, National Dairy Council (NDC) has collaborated with third-party health and wellness experts who complement checkoff staff in educating peers, consumers, thought leaders, media...